Akram AZOURY conducted a rich professional life, brilliant litigator and pleader in the cases, his name is today associated with several high-profile cases.

The firm respects the professional secrecy and therefore will only mention the cases that were covered by the national and international press. 

Lebanese cases

The following is a brief list of some clients:

- In 1999, defending the Lebanese Minister of Industry and Petroleum Mr. Chahe Barsoumian in the case of petroleum residues, discharged in 2005 by the parliamentary commission of inquiry.

- In 2003, Case of Al-Madina Bank, in the cases of money laundering, illegal transfer of funds to Lebanon, embezzlement of funds and breach of the code of the currency.

- In 2005, defending the former head of General Security, Brigadier General Jamil EL SAYED, accused of the assassination of Lebanese former Prime Minister Rafic Hariri exonerated in 2009 by the Special Tribunal for Lebanon.



International cases 

- In 2010 and 2011, pleading before the Special Tribunal for Lebanon in The Hague in answering to the query "Submission of evidence relating to crimes of false accusations and arbitrary detention" committed against Brigadier General Jamil EL SAYED and he won the case.

- In 2011, Akram Azoury was retained for the defense of the former president of Tunisia Mr. Zein El Abidine Ben Ali.

- In 2014, Akram Azoury was retained as defense counsel for Italian Senator Marcello Dellutri who was detained in Lebanon after the Italians courts had requested his extradition.

- Bankruptcy of Gamma Spa before italian and english courts

- Bankruptcy of Khalifa Airways before french courts